My Mudd Life
The Muddraker Legacy
On Feb. 14, 1980, members from the class of 1983 met in North Dorm 215 and produced the first issue of The Muddraker, the brainchild of Ian McCutcheon ’83.
Four decades later, thanks to its staff of dedicated journalist Mudders, the paper is still going strong, with new issues being published quarterly for paid subscribers and on-campus distribution.

Seniors Tiffany Madruga, Hannah Larson and Rachel Schibler spent the last three years revitalizing the publication, which had gone through a dormant period due to lack of staffing. As they prepare for graduation in May, the three former co-editors-in-chief are confident that The Muddraker will continue to thrive. “We really tried to make recruiting a priority so that there would be students to pass it off to when we leave,” says Madruga.
So far, so good. Co-editors-in-chief William La ’22 and Michelle Lum ’23 and the rest of the staff successfully produced the March issue of the paper even as COVID-19 restrictions presented challenges. In their letter from the editors, they write, “With all the recent concerns over coronavirus, and the disruption to this semester, we wanted to publish The Muddraker as a reminder that we’re still very much a community here at Mudd. Wherever you are, whoever you are with, know that [we] Mudders will always be there for each other.”
La says he hopes to do more advice articles in future issues. Kyle Grace ’21 , the chief of photography, hopes to do more current events-type articles, “recounting things as they happen,” he says. “We’re also really looking to grow the online presence of The Muddraker, so keep a look out.”
Katheryn Wang ’23 lists “Ranking of Mudd Toilets” as her favorite Muddraker article since she’s been on the staff. As the paper’s chief of business, Wang says she also hopes to do more current events-focused articles.
Inspired by “PROFiles,”a popular Muddraker feature in which editors ask professors straightforward and quirky questions about their lives and experiences, we’ve used a similar format for this interview with the staff.
What do you think The Muddraker will be like 40 years from now?
Kyle Grace ’21—I hope it will be like what it is now, a fun and enjoyable account of what students’ lives are like here at Mudd.
Rachel Schibler ’20—Probably a lot more digital and hopefully thriving!
Katheryn Wang ’23—I think we will be even larger and closer in style and quality to a public newspaper.
What’s your secret talent?
Hannah Larson ’20—Falling asleep in public places.
Tiffany Madruga ’20—Balancing things on my head.
Rachel Schibler ’20—I can flip my belly button inside out!
Describe your personal style.
William La ’22—I dress to impress myself.
Hannah Larson ’20—Somewhere between business casual and sitting in the Bernard Field Station.
Katheryn Wang ’23— Renaissance, history bounding (contemporary clothing styled after a historical period or person), if I could afford it.
If you could interview anyone (living or not) for The Muddraker, who would it be?
William La ’22—The person who created The Muddraker (Ian McCutcheon ’83).
Rachel Schibler ’20—Harvey Mudd himself.
Katheryn Wang ’23—Bernadette Banner (a dress historian, seamstress and YouTube star).
What’s your personal motto?
Tiffany Madruga ’20—Own what you do. If you can’t, change what you’re doing.
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